

Wonder if ecobots cloth nappies are for you? Check out the reviews that we have received from some of our many happy customers.

“I would like to say how extremely happy I have been with my Ecobots nappies, they have truly been fantastic.

I started out using another brand of one-size-fits-all pocket nappies, and after a huge outlay in cost, they leaked, didn’t fit and took ages to assemble. Not to mention that the outers (the main part of the nappy) couldn’t be soaked or put in the drier so I had stained nappies that took two days to dry in winter making them completely impractical to use.

I had given up on using cloth nappies when a friend who had used Ecobots for both of her kids recommended them to me and I must say I’ve never looked back! Ecobots are so easy to use, wash and dry. I just pop mine in a bucket with a little Tea Tree oil and water, I throw the whole lot into the washing machine every other day and then into the drier and hey presto they’re done. The only time my Ecobots have ever leaked is when I have neglected to see that my little ones are growing up and need to go up a size and they have coped very well with breastfeed baby poos and explosions.

With two babies now in nappies my Ecobot’s ‘The Whole Deal’ pack paid for itself a long time ago and is now saving me over $40 a week – which is a lot of coffee and cake! I would thoroughly recommend Ecobots to any parents looking for a good, practical, reliable cloth nappy system.” – Lizzie Tauranga

“I bought a whole supply of your nappies when I was pregnant with my first son. That is over 4 years ago now. I am still using those same nappies on my second son (he’s almost 3). Even though they are very well worn, they are still doing the job. Ecobots nappies are pretty much all I’ve ever used and I just love them. So easy to use and to look after. Thank you.” – Nikki

“Hi there, I’m onto my second baby, and second time round with the ecobots. What a god send! They are just the best and to be using them again for baby #2 is just wonderful, the money we are saving is amazing! Thanks guys.” – Lee, Wellington

“I love our ecobots (so easy to use, clean and comfortable for the baby etc). I recommend them to all new mums”  – Kate, Wellington

“Others I know have tried other brands, and before I brought ecobots I did some research, and yours won hands down. They have proven themselves to me for a year and a half now and my hubby had no problem what so ever using them, in fact everyone who comes in contact with me using them on our daughter is gob smacked as to how easy they are to use, just like a disposable. As for the extra washing, a bucket to soak, flushable liners, and they wash up like new!… what can I say, I’m a huge fan!”  – Lee, Wellington

“Hi, I just wanted to send you an email to thank you for your wonderful product.
We have been using your nappies on our son since he was 3 days old (he’s almost 5 weeks) and have really found them to be just wonderful. They seem to be so much more absorbant than the disposables not to mention excessively cheaper!!! We’ve just ordered our toddler pack so that we’re super organised and are just so happy with the nappies that we wanted to email you to let you know how brilliant we have found them. We’ve found them easy to change, easy to clean, fast drying and they seem to help keep nappy rash at a minimum.
Thank you very much!” – Dennis & Laura

“They are such a good product (and I have tried out many different brands of reusable nappies!)” – Dana

“Just to let you know we received our package!! Thanks so much!! 🙂 Feel very stoked with all the wee things!” – Debs

“It is fabulous, holds everything you could need. Beats any other nappy bags I have purchased before (and there have been a few), and looks much trendier. Thanks a lot for the great service in getting it here, and the great product.”
– Deanna

Thank you for your excellent and prompt service. Outstanding! – Mirjam

“Thank you for the opportunity to purchase your fabulous product, it arrived today after only ordering it yesterday. “Look forward to purchasing the next size off you soon! – Megan

“I think your on-line shopping system is great! Its straight forward and easy to use, so thanks for making my purchase really easy : )” – Michelle A

“I bought Cheeky Wipes from your stand at the Auckland Parent and Child Show and I love them! I would use 2-3 disposable wipes where Cheeky only needs one! Thanks for saving me a bundle of money on wipes!” – Suzanna

“When it comes to leaking: I find ecobots to be better than disposables (used when out etc).

I have had fewer leaks with Elliot (7 1/2 months) as he got older and more mobile with ecobots, I think this is mainly knowing what caused them in the first place, eg wicking and guarding against that.

The only time I seem to get a leak now is when the nappy wasn’t fastened firm
enough, then nappy slips at back and then during a sleep there is leak that appears to have something to do with the gap. However this is rare and I guess the main thing for me is to do a quick check of where nappy lies, as I’m doing the poo check before a sleep, (although if I’m honest I never actually check where the nappy lies, as leakage happens so rarely I don’t remember that this check should be done).

Elliot is certainly a very active baby, even during his night sleep and now sleeps from about 6pm to 5am (if only it was 6pm to 6am) and I can’t remember when he was damp when I went into get him.

The other thing I find really good for all nappies staying firm is singlets and clothing that does up under the crotch.” – Mel Clark

“I have been trying to find a decent substitution for disposable nappies and have found that the ecobots were excatly what we were looking for. Thanks a lot.” – Jess

“Hello, my happy wee baby boy’s bottom is safely wrapped in ecobot napps. Thanks for delivering them when you did; they work a treat!!” – Bec

“Thanks for my nappies. I love them and tell all the mums I meet about them. Flynn is just transitioning to the green size nappies – getting too fat for newborn! He’s going to be a big boy and I’m eating like a horse trying to keep up with his feeding. I’ve seen some other systems, like F__* *ns, which my friends are using, but Ecobots are so much simpler and less bulky so I’m really pleased I went with you guys. I only used disposables for his first week, and that was bad enough. I felt so guilty about the rubbish. I don’t use disposables at all now, not even for traveling, because it’s just as easy to use the eco nappies. You’ve got a good system” – Maria


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