
Showing posts from May, 2021

New products on the way

New products are always exciting. This year, we’ve got quite a few things in the works. We’re going to be relaunching some old favourites that haven’t been available for a little while. We’ve also got something completely new and exciting in the works. Want to be the first to hear all about it? What’s on the way I don’t want to give too much away, until a bit closer too. These new products are going to start arriving in the next month with an old favourite making a reappearance in the next few weeks and a revamped products among the first to be released. Later in the year we’ve got a brand new nappy set to make an appearance. This is something that we’ve been working on for a long time now and I’m really excited to share it all with you. I know that it’s something that lots of you have been waiting for for a while now. This isn’t just about nappies, we should have some other new items towards the end of the year too. Be the first to hear Although we’ll be releasing these products for e

Why white cloth nappies are a great choice

White cloth nappies might seem like a bit of a boring choice. There are so many pretty prints and bright colours available on the market. Who would want just white? There are some really great reasons for choosing just white, read on to learn more. Reasons to choose white Consistency, while it might be great to have one of every nappy on the market, choosing a set of white nappies, means every one is the same. This is particular great when someone else, such as day care or grandparents, look after your baby. White goes with everything. There’s no need to worry about co-ordinating your babies outfit. Anything will look great. Keep it simple. White is a great basic choice. They won’t show up through clothes. Bright nappies can stand out against babies clothing such as tights of close fitting pants. The look great hanging on the washing line. There’s just something lovely about a line of white washing. It’s a traditional baby colour. Little children tend to get dirty fast, but babies alwa

Different Ways to Fold Flat Nappies

Want to fold flat nappies but not sure where to start? The idea of using a flat piece of cloth and turning it into a fitted nappy can seem quite intimidating. There are hundreds of ways to use this type of cloth nappy and once you start, you’ll find more and more. Here’s a guide to some of our favourite ways, to get you started. Getting started All of our flat nappies are quite large. So whatever fold you do, you’ll want to fold them smaller before you start. You can do this quite simply by folding the corners into the centre to make a smaller square shape. The great thing about this is that you can make the size fit the size of your baby. Start small and then make the square bigger as they get older. You may want to add an extra layer or booster when they are older. Once you have folded the nappy down to a smaller size square, you’re ready to begin. The pad fold The pad fold is the simplest fold that you can use for your flat nappies. Once you have a square shape, fold it in three. Y