
Showing posts from September, 2020

New Look Nappyneedz Website

New look Nappyneedz Website now live. Read on to learn more and find a discount code valid until 8th October 2020. Changes to our website If you’ve been here before, you might have noticed that a few things have changed. Our fantastic and great value products are still here, but our website has had a bit of a facelift. As with anything new, introducing a new look nappyneedz website does mean that there might be a few teething problems. Hopefully I’ve managed to iron them all out before going live, but if there is anything that isn’t working properly or you’re having difficulty finding your way around, please let me know. You can contact me via the contact form or by sending me a message on our Facebook page . A brand new look We decided to make the change to the new site as it’s been a while since we last had a facelift. Hopefully you like this new look and you can find your way around easily. We’ve also added a more user friendly search bar. Once you’ve searched for a product, you c

Everything you ever wanted to know about Ecobots Cloth Nappies

Want to learn all about Ecobots Cloth Nappies? Then you are in the right place. This Kiwi brand has been around now for over 15 years and loved by thousands of Kiwi parents. But what are the Ecobots Nappies? What makes them different to other brands on the market? Why should you give this great New Zealand brand a go? What are Ecobots Ecobots cloth nappies started life as a very simple cotton prefold and cover system. Unlike other similar brands on the market, they were designed with a nappy cover with double gussets. This cover meant that when the nappy was pad folded into the cover, there were far fewer chances of leaks or poo explosions. The cotton prefolds themselves are lovely and absorbent, while also offering a natural choice against the skin. While you can use a snappi to hold the nappy around your baby, there is really no need, the cover helps to contain everything. Over the years we’ve added to the Ecobots range. Alongside our standard cotton nappies we also now have organic

Can teenagers use menstrual cups?

Can teenagers use menstrual cups? Period cups are a great choice when it comes to reusable menstrual products, but are they really suitable for teenagers? Menstrual cups for teenagers For a long time, menstrual cups were available in two sizes. These were generally a smaller size for women who hadn’t yet been pregnant and were under 30. There was then a larger size for women over 30, or those who had been pregnant. The smaller size is fine for teenagers and will work well. The only slight problem is that although this cup is a small size, it can see quite big and intimidating. For that reason, we introduced a special teen sized cup. Why a cup? There are lots of reasons why menstrual cups make a great choice at any age. Like tampons, they mean that you can take part in sports, don’t have to worry about pads showing if you wear tight clothes and they can be less messy. It can take a little bit of practice to get used to removing the cup without making a mess, but once you’ve practised i

Have you got enough cloth nappies?

Have you got enough cloth nappies? How many do you need to ensure that you never run short? Is it possible to have too many? Here’s our guide to making sure that you’ve got just the right amount. Where to start When you first start using cloth nappies, it can be confusing trying to work out how many you will need. If this is your first baby, then it’s even harder to know how often they will need changing, how often you will need to wash. Throw in things like bad weather and delays in getting things dried and it becomes even more complicated. But, it doesn’t need to be. First of all, think about how often you will be using cloth nappies and then consider how often you want to be washing. Usually, we would recommend washing at least every other day, so that nappies aren’t sitting dirty for too long. Working out how many you need Most babies will need changing every couple of hours. You want to have enough clean nappies available while you are waiting for them to dry. Outers and shells te