Local cloth nappy adviser

A cloth nappy adviser could just be what you’re looking for. If you want to see the range of cloth nappies we stock. It’s also a great way to hear from a parent who has experience of using reusables on their baby.

North Canterbury and Christchurch

Cloth nappy advisor Jessica Hawke with her son.

Our latest cloth nappy adviser is Jessica Hawke. She will be covering the North Canterbury and Christchurch area. If you are interested in using Nappyneedz nappies, our menstrual products, or any of our other items, then she might be worth getting in touch with. Jessica has been using our nappies on her nine-month son. She will now be sharing her experience and the expertise that she has gained with local parents. Often there’s no better way to find out about the best nappies for your baby, than actually getting to touch and feel them. To see in person what they are like. To get in touch with Jessica you can email her here. Alternatively, drop us an email and we’ll pass on your details to her.

Local Cloth nappy advisers

If you live in the Dunedin area, then we also have someone who can come out and see you and show you our products. We are looking for more people in other areas. If you think that you would like to work as the go-to person for your town, when it comes to cloth nappies, then get in touch. It’s a great chance to find the reusables that will fit your budget.

Online advice

If you’d prefer to get some help and information via email, then our advice form is always worth checking out. I’m always happy to answer any question that you might have. You can always email or ask questions via our Facebook page. No matter what the question, we will do our best to help.


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