top Tips for cloth nappies

Tips for cloth nappies cover all kinds of things. I decided to ask people on my facebook page what they wish they had known before using cloth nappies. Here are a few of their thoughts:

Top tips for cloth nappies

Tips for cloth nappies

  • There are many different styles of nappies, best to find the right fit for your child before investing in a whole collection. Trial packs are a good way to give them a go.
  • Sometimes the prettiest ones aren’t always the best at keeping it all in.
  • Types of inserts make a huge difference, natural fibres are waaaaay better than microfibre. 
  • Natural prefolds are a great thing to start as are versatile (can use as prefold or insert).
  • That you need to change them slightly more often than a disposable. Took me a few days to figure out why the baby was so grumpy and then realized he was soaking.
  • The more you wash the inserts the more absorbent they become so don’t get disheartened to soon.
  • If you’re on a budget you can make extra inners with old towels.
  • Once you are in a routine they’re extremely easy to use even 100% of the time.
  • A sprayer attachment for your toilet is really useful and makes rinsing poo nappies much easier.
  • The most useful thing I learnt was from a uni grad about urine crystal, and the secret to non-smelly nappies is lots of water/rinsing when washing. To save water I only washed mine every 4 days. This tip has also helped clean up old cat pee smells in the carpet!
  • How magical the sun and elements are for strip washing.
  • Don’t rush in with one brand shape… or expect it to always work as they grow and start moving. 
  • That even though they might come out looking a bit “dirty” they are actually clean and putting them in the sun will remove any last stains.
  • So many think it’s normal for cloth nappies to smell! They don’t have to.

Getting ready to use cloth

Hopefully, these tips are helpful, if you’d like more information on any of the points mentioned then please let me know. I’d also love to hear your top tips, please feel free to leave them in the comments or on our Facebook page. Thanks to everyone who commented, if I’ve not used your comment yet, don’t worry, there are more posts to come.


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