
Showing posts from June, 2018

5 things you might not know about cloth nappies

5 things you might not know about cloth nappies is a good place to start when you are first thinking about reusable nappies for your baby. Cloth nappies are easy People often assume that cloth nappies are complicated and hard work. Having a new baby is hard enough as it is, without adding an extra complication. But, cloth nappies are actually easy. Especially once you have started to use them. Most modern cloth nappies are put on in the same way that a disposable nappy is. There aren’t complicated folds, nappy pins and plastic pants that old-fashioned nappies had. There is a little bit of extra washing, but with less rubbish to deal with and the added reliability that comes with cloth nappies, it’s not a big deal. Reliability I have to admit that I assumed when I first looked at using reusable nappies on my babies, that they would be likely to leak. I suspect that years of disposable nappy adverts on the television had convinced me that disposables were better. In actual fact, it’s pro

Sterilising your menstrual cup

Sterilising your menstrual cup is essential. Recent research has found that TSS and other bacteria can grow on the silicone of your cup. Sterilising will stop these from growing and keep your cup clean and healthy. There are a number of easy ways that you can do this. Keep it clean When I first began to use a menstrual cup, people believed that you couldn’t get toxic shock syndrome (TSS) from using a menstrual cup. Although it is very rare, there have been at least two cases of TSS occurring when people have been using a menstrual cup. For this reason, we would suggest that you sterilise your menstrual cup regularly. Ideally before replacing it each time you reinsert. This might be easier if you keep two cups, one that you are using and one that has been sterilised already. There are a number of options to keep your cup clean easily though. Sterilising your menstrual cup Use a small toothbrush to clean the surface of the cup. This will help to remove any bacteria. Use alcohol wipes, su

Ammonia smell in cloth nappies

Suffering from an ammonia smell in cloth nappies and wondering what is causing it and how to get rid of it?  Our tips and hints should help you to get rid of even the most eye-watering odour. What causes the ammonia smell in cloth nappies? I have to admit, when my oldest child was in nappies, I thought that an eye burning smell in his night nappies was just something I had to put up with. Unfortunately, I didn’t know what caused it and I certainly didn’t know how to get rid of it. I assumed that it was just because the nappy was on so long. With my second baby, I noticed that it didn’t happen until he was at least six months. Was it caused by his urine becoming stronger as he got older? Or was there something else going on. I didn’t have any problems in the day, but I know that some people can. So what causes it? In actual fact, it has more to do with solids in nappies, rather than the urine, or rather than being just the urine. The strong smell that you can get from cloth nappies, is