
Showing posts from August, 2017

Thank goodness for flat nappies

Thank goodness for flat nappies. Honestly, even though my children are all now out of nappies, I’m not sure what I’d do without them. Hundreds of uses When I bought my first set of cloth nappies, for my soon to be born first baby, I had no idea that they would still be in use all this time later. I remember buying a range of different nappies to try, including some flat squares for use in the early days. I still recommend flat nappies for newborns, either simple bamboo or cotton squares, or prefolds . They are easy to take care of, simple to use and when you’re changing frequently, they are handy as they dry so quickly. It’s the other uses that you find for them though, where they really come into their own. I’ve lost count of the different ways that I’ve found to use them over the last eleven years.   Thank goodness for flat nappies Not only do they make great nappies, but when my babies were tiny I used them for many other things. I used them on their bed if they were a bit spilly