
Showing posts from May, 2017

Thinking outside the box

Do you think outside the box? Parenting is hard. Modern parenting is a minefield! The world is changing all the time. It is a huge melting pot of cultures and styles as we all move around this planet of ours, taking our various histories and cultures with us. This is the same for parenting. And the many and various ways in which we nurture our children. Are we going to drown in our box? Western society has become very fast paced. With speed comes an increased volume of disposable items to help us along our way. It’s a little bit of a vicious cycle really – we work to provide things for our children because these things cost money. We use disposable items because its fast and easy. Then we are busy working to provide these things that we need… and so the cycle keeps on going. Or should we be going back to tradition? In writing this, I’ve done some research into some more traditional, re-usable items for modern parenting. And to be honest with you, until very recently I had no idea such

Waste reduction

Waste reduction is something that needn’t be hard work. You can take a few simple steps to cut down on the amount of waste that you produce. This week is waste free parenting week, so I thought that it might be a good idea to talk about some of the products that we have, that can help cut down the amount of rubbish you produce. Waste free babies It will perhaps be no surprise that one of the main things that we can help with, is reusable nappies. Disposable nappies produce a huge amount of waste. There have been a number of reports that have looked at the environmental impact of using cloth or disposable nappies. Something that a lot of these reports haven’t even considered, is the disposal of nappies. Single use nappies are made with plastic and chemicals. Neither of which are particularly good for the environment. Plastic from nappies stays around for a long long time. It doesn’t break down or biodegrade. Switching to cloth can make a huge amount of difference to the amount of rubbis