Why use cloth nappies?

You may be asking yourself ‘why use cloth nappies?’ There are lots of answers that I could give you. Lots of great reasons for choosing cloth. I thought it might be a good idea to ask people on my facebook page, why they chose cloth.

Why use cloth nappies?

Cost of nappies

By far and away the most frequent answer given for choosing cloth nappies has been down to cost. To put it simply, cloth nappies are just the cheaper option. Although the initial set up cost is more (although there are ways to make it cheaper) once you’re using cloth, there is far less money to spend. Most people find that they save between $3000 and $4000 over the time that their first baby is in cloth. As cloth nappies can be used again on later children, then you can save even more money with your next baby. Nearly everyone who answered on the facebook post, listed cloth as their main, or at least one of the reasons that they decided that cloth nappies were for them.

The Environment

There are studies out there that try to claim that cloth nappies are no better for the environment than disposables, but that’s just not true. Common sense will tell you that something that you wash and reuse has got to be better than something that you throw away. You also have control over the factors that effect the environment; water usage, electricity, drying, when it comes to using cloth. You can make sure that your impact on the environment is minimal if you use cloth. This was a another reason that lots of people had decided to go the reusable route.


There’s no denying that a cloth covered bottom looks much cuter than one covered in a disposable nappy. With the added option of prints, colours and patterns there really is no limit to the variety of cloth nappies that you can choose. For many people a cute bottom is a great reason to have picked cloth nappies.


Disposable nappies can cause lots of rashes, there are lots of chemicals in them which some children can react to. For some parents, cloth is the obvious choice because their baby doesn’t react to the nappies. You can control any allergens yourself quite easily, by picking the right washing detergent for your baby and making sure that it rinses out properly.

There are lots of reason that people choose cloth. If you decided to go with them for a different reason, then please let us know in the comments below. How would you respond to the question why use cloth nappies?


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