Natural cloth nappies

When you want to keep everything as natural as possible for your little baby, then natural cloth nappies seem like an obvious choice. But how easy is it to go natural with nappies? What options have you got? Where should you start? Hopefully, this will help you to make the natural choice.

Options for natural cloth nappies

When it comes to choosing something natural, then the most important thing will be the fibres that are directly against your little one’s skin. There are many good options out there for reusable nappies that have polyester layers next to the skin. This doesn’t mean that there aren’t natural fibres available too. Hemp and bamboo are also often used, but cotton is also a great choice. Fewer nappies these days use cotton, which is a shame as it has many great qualities which make it good for washable nappies. The natural fibres that make up cotton nappies, mean that you can be sure that you are putting a healthy, breathable fabric next to their skin.

Natural cloth nappies; cotton nappies on the washing line

If you really want to ensure that you are using the most chemical-free option,  then it’s even possible to find unbleached and organic nappies. Our prefold nappies come in with these options and can be found here. Our standard cotton nappies are still a great, natural choice for your baby.

Keeping it covered

It can be a little more difficult to find a natural cover for the top of your nappies. Some parents manage to do without a cover at all. This can be difficult at night or when out and about, unless you are planning on following elimination communication. Our PUL covers are not natural, but as they don’t touch the skin and are breathable, they are still a good option. Alternatively, you can use woollen covers. These do take a bit more taking care of than other types of covers. They need to be treated with lanolin and washed carefully. The good thing about them is that you can make them yourself. This is quite a good easy pattern, but there are lots available out there.

Choosing natural cloth nappies cotton nappies with a cover

Washing naturally

Washing your nappies is one of the areas that you can make sure you keep things natural. Detergents that are full of chemicals and bleaches should be avoided. Natural powders and liquids are available from supermarkets and online. Most will work well with cloth nappies and not cause build-up. The washing line is also better than the tumble dryer. The wind and sun help to naturally sterilise your nappies.

Choosing cotton can help you to keep things natural for your baby. Ecobots are the natural choice for your little one. Check out our trial packs here.


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