First time Mum using Ecobots

Following on from our recent post about one Mum’s experience with Ecobots cloth nappies, I’ve got another Mum’s experience with our nappies. Kelly is our first time Mum using Ecobots and here is her story:

First Time

First time….
well for me this is my first time being a mumma and OH MY GOSH!!there is just sooo much information out there for all sorts of things from cloth nappies to disposable, breastfeeding to formula feeding or organic to cheap and affordable clothes.
MY overwhelming moment was the cloth nappies. My partner and I had decided to do cloth nappies to keep costs down and help the environment but when I did my research on them there was SOOO much! From modern cloth nappies, flat nappies, prefold, one size fits all and cheap thin ones. I got confused and brought 3 different types!! (My partner was not happy.)
First time Mum using Ecobots
I had brought the old school flat nappies, really cheap Ali express ones and another really popular one (which had the inserts attached inside) oh and Kelly from ecobots had sent some to trial, so 4 types all together!!! Once our wee bundle of joy arrived on the 7/5 we put her into a disposable nappy until we got home.
The first cloth nappy we tried was the old school flat nappy but we struggled to put it on her (even with the help of youtube, my partner wanted to use duct tape to seal her) and then we tried the ecobots prefold nappy…Oh, my they were super easy and quick to put on (especially when your sleep deprived and have a crying bub to change and settle). My partner finds them super easy too! He even showed his mum how to do it quite proudly.
The other added bonus is we haven’t had to use much nappy cream as the cloth nappy is breathable and soft on bubs precious skin.

Using Ecobots

We love to hear about how you find our cloth nappies, so if you’d like to share them in a future blog post, please let me know. If you haven’t tried Ecobots yet, then check out our trial pack here.


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