
Showing posts from September, 2016

Night nappies for a good night's sleep

Getting a good night’s sleep can be a real challenge when you have small children. If your baby or toddler doesn’t have a night nappy that goes the distance, then it can be even harder. Here are a few night nappy tips to help your little one sleep all night. Night nappy tips A dedicated night nappy isn’t necessary. You can need to use extra boosting in your ordinary cloth nappies. Choosing a larger size nappy or cover than you would use in the day time, means that you can add extra absorbency. Don’t worry about too much padding, it will still be comfortable for your little one. Wool makes a great night nappy cover. Wool maintains body temperature, which stops a wet nappy feeling cold against the skin. If you feed your baby in the night, only change if they have pooed. A wet nappy is fine. A washable liner can help a wet nappy feel less damp against the skin. Hemp and bamboo work really well at night for extra absorbency. Rinse night nappy inserts in cold water as soon as you remove the

Twins in cloth nappies

For many people, the idea of having twins in cloth nappies would just seem like too much hard work. There are lots of reasons why using cloth nappies for twins might actually be a great idea though. Here’s our handy guide to having two in cloth. Two in cloth nappies Having two babies in cloth nappies does meant that you’re going to have more washing, than if you had just one baby. But it also means that lots of the advantages are doubled too. Having both of your babies in cloth means that you will be saving twice as much money as with one baby. You never need to worry about running out of nappies. Nappy rash is less likely. Another great benefit is that babies in cloth tend to learn to use the toilet earlier than those in disposables. You’ll will have both babies out of nappies sooner. How to have twins in cloth nappies Having two babies in cloth, doesn’t actually mean that you need twice as many cloth nappies. In actually fact you are likely to only need to have half as many again. Th

How many cloth nappies do I need?

Working out how many cloth nappies you are going to need, can seem a little bit complicated. Especially if your baby hasn’t arrived yet. How are you supposed to know how often they will need changing? Here is a brief guide to working out how many you will need. Full-time use Full-time cloth nappy use obviously means that you are going to be needing to have quite a supply of nappies. Usually, we recommend that you start out with around twenty nappies. This should be enough to use both day and night, with washing happening every other day. Newborn babies need changing more often than older children, so you may find that you need a few more nappies, to begin with. Pre-folds can be a good choice in the early days, as you do not need to change the whole nappy each time, just the insert. You can have more inserts, just to help get through those early days. An extra six inserts would make sure that you had enough on hand when you are changing often in the early days. Daytime use When using cl

First time Mum using Ecobots

Following on from our recent post about one Mum’s experience with Ecobots cloth nappies, I’ve got another Mum’s experience with our nappies. Kelly is our first time Mum using Ecobots and here is her story: First Time First time…. well for me this is my first time being a mumma and OH MY GOSH!!there is just sooo much information out there for all sorts of things from cloth nappies to disposable, breastfeeding to formula feeding or organic to cheap and affordable clothes. MY overwhelming moment was the cloth nappies. My partner and I had decided to do cloth nappies to keep costs down and help the environment but when I did my research on them there was SOOO much! From modern cloth nappies, flat nappies, prefold, one size fits all and cheap thin ones. I got confused and brought 3 different types!! (My partner was not happy.) I had brought the old school flat nappies, really cheap Ali express ones and another really popular one (which had the inserts attached inside) oh and Kelly from ecob

Dunedin Baby and Child Show

The Dunedin Baby and Child Show is this Sunday, 18th of September. Nappyneedz will be there along with lots of other baby and child businesses. If you’re in the Dunedin area, then this is a great chance to learn more about our products and maybe even grab a bargain. Baby and Child Show We’ve been going to the Baby and Child show in Dunedin since it started in 2013. With this year’s show on the 18th of September, just a few days away, I’m getting quite excited. There will be lots of different exhibitors there, ready to show you what they do. No matter whether you are just planning a family, have a baby on the way, or already have children, you’re bound to find something for you at the show. Nappyneedz at the Dunedin Baby Show I’m hoping to bring along a selection of our products to the show. There will be some of our dinky cloth nappies , our snappi nappy fasteners  and a few of our other accessories and products. I haven’t decided exactly what else to take, but there will be plenty on

Natural cloth nappies

When you want to keep everything as natural as possible for your little baby, then natural cloth nappies seem like an obvious choice. But how easy is it to go natural with nappies? What options have you got? Where should you start? Hopefully, this will help you to make the natural choice. Options for natural cloth nappies When it comes to choosing something natural, then the most important thing will be the fibres that are directly against your little one’s skin. There are many good options out there for reusable nappies that have polyester layers next to the skin. This doesn’t mean that there aren’t natural fibres available too. Hemp and bamboo are also often used, but cotton is also a great choice. Fewer nappies these days use cotton, which is a shame as it has many great qualities which make it good for washable nappies. The natural fibres that make up cotton nappies, mean that you can be sure that you are putting a healthy, breathable fabric next to their skin. If you really want t

Choosing Minky or PUL

There are lots of different fabric for cloth nappies, but most tend to have either Minky or PUL as the outer fabric. But which should you choose? Which one will work better for you and your baby? What are the advantages of each fabric? Minky fabric Many cloth nappies, such as our dinky minky pocket nappies  have minky fabric as the outer layer. Although not waterproof on it’s own, it will usually have a hidden layer of PUL under the fabric. Sometimes the fabric is actually laminated with PUL itself, which is how our minky nappies are made. Minky tends to be a slightly thicker fabric than PUL, which can put some people off. It is lovely and soft against which can feel nice against your little ones skin where it touches. It also looks really cute on days when it’s too hot for more clothes than a cloth nappy and singlet or t-shirt. Minky fabric won’t wick moisture from the inside of the nappy to the outside, which is one of the reasons that it is such a popular choice for cloth nappies. P