
Showing posts from February, 2016

Which size pre-fold?

Pre-fold nappies come in a range of different sizes, but what are the differences between these sizes? Which size pre-fold do you need? Newborn nappies Newborn nappies are our tiniest size pre-fold nappies, they are designed for use on newborn babies and premature babies. They are much smaller than some other brands of pre-fold nappies, which is great for tiny babies as it means that the nappies aren’t so bulky. Measuring only 26 by 37 cm, these nappies also may great boosters for nappies as your baby gets older. Infant nappies The second size of pre-fold nappies are infant nappies , they are small enough to use from newborn, if you fold them down enough, but will be slightly bulky on a tiny baby. These nappies measure 30 by 40 cm, which means that they will fit for quite a while, depending on how you fold them. They are also just the right size to use as inserts in pocket nappies, so are great to have in your cloth nappy stash, which makes them one of the more popular sizes when peop

Tips for toddler nappies

Using cloth nappies for older babies is a little different to using them on a newborn baby, when it comes to toddler nappies, there are a few hints and tricks that you can use to get the most out of them. Having had three babies in cloth myself, I thought I’d share some of the things that worked really well for us when they were toddlers. Top tips for toddler nappies Toddlers often go longer between wees and produce lots of liquid when they go. Extra inserts help, changing nappies as soon as they are wet help to stop things becoming too sodden. Hemp, bamboo and cotton are less likely to cause compression leaking than microfibre, so work better for active toddlers. Toddlers are good at opening things, snaps are much harder for them to remove than velcro closures on nappies. Setting the nappy on a larger setting leaves more room for extra inserts. Toddler nappies can become a bit smelly, teething, bacteria from poo and the bigger volumes all lead to bad odours. Rinsing inserts as soon as

Top tips for sunning nappies

Sunshine is fantastic, it makes us feel better, it warms things up and it’s great for cloth nappies. Not only will it help get rid of stains, but a bit of sunshine also helps to get rid of any germs on the nappies and freshen them up. But what’s the best way to get the most out of a sunny day? What should you do when there isn’t much sunshine? Here are our top tips for sunning nappies. Tips for sunning nappies When you can, hang nappies outside on the line, wet nappies get the most benefit from rays of sunshine. Flat nappies are easy to sun, as the whole of them is exposed to the sunshine. Hang shells over the top of the line, this uses only one peg and the inner will be fully exposed to any sunshine. When your nappies have been out a while, adjust them slightly so any hidden areas are now in sunlight. Look out for small areas around the elastic where stains can build up. Even on a dull day, UV rays can help to remove stains, it might just take a little longer. A windowsill inside on a

Easy eco baby toys

Babies can be an expensive business, there are so many items that people will tell you you need, or are baby essentials, that’s before you even start to think about toys. But, in actual fact there are all kinds of things that your little one can play with that don’t cost the earth and as you are not buying throw away lumps of plastic, but are reusing things you already have, then these toys are better for the environment. Here are our suggestions for easy eco baby toys. Ideas for easy eco baby toys Clothes pegs are great fun to play with, you probably already have them around your house and your little one will love moving them from container to container, or just picking them up to look at. Cardboard boxes provide hours of entertainment for small children, they can stack them, get in them, or even colour them in. Sauce pans and tins, especially when combined with a wooden spoon or two can be great fun. Your little one can use them to make noise or  to pretend to stir. Treasure baskets

10 Cloth nappy washing tips

There are so many suggestions out there for how you should, or shouldn’t wash cloth nappies, that it can be a little overwhelming. To try and make it a little easier, I thought it might be a good idea to share some of our cloth nappy washing tips with you. Here are our top ten cloth nappy washing tips. Cloth nappy washing tips Rinse your nappies. It’s a good idea to rinse you nappies before you wash them, this will rinse out urine so that the water you wash them in is clean. A quick pre-wash or rinse in cold water is enough to do this. No need to soak. You can soak our cotton pre-folds if you like, but you don’t need to. Water on it’s own will help to rinse things out, or you can add a few drops of tea tree oil to it. Smelly nappies need water. If you have very smelly nappies, (the eye burning, a mmonia smell) then rinsing them as soon as you change them in lots of water should help to get rid of the problem. Wash hot or cold. You can wash our nappies hot, warm or cold, they will even