Cloth nappies in hot weather

Parents are often concerned about using cloth nappies in hot weather; on very hot days, the extra layers in a cloth nappy seem to be very warm and parents are worried that their baby will over heat. Cloth nappies particularly those like Ecobots are actually great in hot weather, as they are so breathable.

cloth nappies in hot weather

Ecobots in summer

Ecobots are a great choice in the summer months, they are breathable and stop your little one from getting too hot. The nappies themselves are cotton, which like most natural fabrics, is breathable and does not over heat the skin. The covers wrap around the outer of the nappy and unlike some other cloth nappies that are all made of polyester, and enclose the whole area, they allow air to circulate and help stop your little one from getting too hot. All cloth nappies are better in hot weather than disposables. All though disposables might look thinner, would you prefer to have your bottom wrapped in a piece of cotton with a cover over it, or a plastic bag? That’s got to be uncomfortable at any time, but particularly when it’s really warm.

Cloth nappies in hot weather

There are a few ways that you can make sure that your little one doesn’t get too hot when the weather is hot.

  • Put on fewer clothes; on a really hot day then they probably don’t need clothes over the nappy, fortunately cloth nappies look cute without pants or skirts covering them.
  • Use natural fibres; natural fibres, like our cotton nappies, are breathable and better for your little one when it’s hot.
  • Try some nappy off time; hot weather is a great opportunity for some nappy free time, an ecobots prefold makes a great ‘kick mat’ on the floor, and they’re easy to clean if there are any little accidents.
  • Splash about in water; our swim nappies are great for a trip to the beach, swimming pool or paddling pool. Just make sure that you always supervise around water.
  • Spend time out side; find a shady spot out side and let your little one get some fresh air, just keep out of direct sun and use a sunscreen.
  • Think about wool; wool covers are a great choice if it’s hot, they are completely breathable and make it easier to maintain body temperature, stopping over heating.
  • Drink plenty; make sure that your little one has plenty to drink, there’s no need to offer water if breastfeeding, but don’t be surprised if you need to feed more often, your body will provide the extra fluids your little one needs. Bottle fed or older babies may well need water (cooled, boiled water for young babies) to make sure they stay hydrated.
  • Enjoy the summer; before you know it we’ll all be moaning that it’s too cold again.

So there you have it, our tips for using cloth nappies in hot weather. I hope that you’ve all been having a great summer so far, feel free to share your top summer tips in the comments.


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