Storing cloth nappies

Storing cloth nappies: You’ve bought your cloth nappies, and they are all ready to go for your little one, but where are you going to keep them.  What are your options when it comes to storing cloth nappies? Where is going to be the handiest place to put them, and keep them ready for your next use.  We asked some of our facebook followers to share their storage solutions with us.

Storing cloth nappies

When it comes to storing cloth nappies, ideally you want somewhere that’s close at hand when you need to change your little one, is easy to get at, and where you can put the nappies neatly so that they are all ready to go.  For lots of you, the ideal place is a book shelf next to the change table.

cloth nappy storage  storing cloth nappies  Using shelves to store cloth nappies  Shelves for storing cloth nappies

Lots of pretty cloth nappies

One of the added advantages of this kind of storage, is that the cloth nappies look really great when they are all put in together.

Some people like fabric nappy stackers that hang at the end of the change table or cot.  These are particularly good for flat cotton nappies or prefolds that can be folded and placed into the stacker.

A shelf on the wall near the changing area can also do the job well.

Shelf for storing cloth nappies

Sometimes all that you really need is a handy box or basket, where the nappies are laid out.

cloth nappies in a basket

A handy storage box

I particularly like this cardboard box for storing cloth nappies, it’s not fancy or expensive but does the job and is easy to use.

Another alternative would be to use a hanging fabric wardrobe organiser, if space was tight you could hang it almost anywhere.

Storing cloth nappies after use

If you’re looking for somewhere to store your cloth nappies after they’ve been used and before you wash them, then you can’t go far wrong with a lidded bucket.  This doesn’t have to be a special nappy bucket, any large container with a well fitting lid will do.  The lid helps to keep out nosy children, and keep smells in.

A lidded bucket for cloth nappies

If space is tight, then a large wetbag you can hang on the back of a door will also do the job just fine. Make sure that it either has a zip closure, or that you can close the top tightly with a draw string, so that smells don’t escape.

How do you store your cloth nappies, feel free to share your ideas on our facebook page.


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