Starting cloth nappies on an older baby

Starting cloth nappies on an older baby or toddler may seem a bit daunting, but for many people, they just aren’t ready to give cloth nappies a go until their little one is past the newborn stage.  Here we give you some hints and tips for starting cloth nappies on an older baby.

Starting cloth nappies on an older baby

If you’ve been using disposable nappies on your baby for some time already, then making the switch and starting cloth nappies on an older baby can take a bit of getting used to,  One of the big advantages of doing it at a later stage though, is that you have usually got the hang of other things such as feeding, and taking care of a demanding newborn by the time you give cloth a go.  If you are trying cloth for the first time, doing it on an older baby, means that you  can take your time and build up to using cloth as much as you want, trying out the different styles and types to see what works for you before taking the plunge into using cloth full time, or at least most of the time.  Try looking for trial packs that allow you to try a few cloth nappies first before buying a full set, and give them a good go to see how you get on.  Our trial or starter packs are a great place to begin, with three or six nappy changes in each.

Starting cloth nappies on an older baby

Why give cloth nappies a go?

If you’ve been happily using disposable nappies on your little one, you might wonder why you’d want to change and why you’d even consider starting cloth nappies on an older baby.  For some parents the decision is due to money, the cost of buying disposables each week soon adds up, and cloth works out far cheaper long term.  For other parents, they have a new baby on the way that they want to try cloth on, and it makes sense to give it a go on their older baby first. Cloth nappies are often more reliable at holding in poo-splosions than disposable nappies, and for some parents, the constant washing of clothes is far more hassle than starting to wash nappies.  Or it could be simply the case that they’ve always intended using cloth, but wanted to wait until they were ready to give it a go.

How to start out with cloth nappies

  • When starting cloth nappies on a an older baby you may want to start slowly, rather than go straight into it.
  • Get a few different types to try out, before buying a full set.  Trial packs are good place to start.
  • Bare in mind that you might get a bit of redness, known as transition rash, this isn’t a rash as such, just your little one’s skin getting used to the change and it shouldn’t cause them any problems.
  • Some children start to show signs of toilet training when they suddenly switch to cloth, just because it makes them more aware.
  • Build your collection slowly as you make the change slowly.

Have you moved to cloth later and started using cloth nappies on an older baby? How did you find it?


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