Sized cloth nappies
When it comes to choosing cloth nappies, not only do you have to choose between the many different styles out there, but you also need to decide if you want sized cloth nappies or one size fits most cloth nappies. Ecobots are a sized cloth nappy system, and here we’ll explain why sized cloth nappies are so good. Sized cloth nappies last One of the great things about sized cloth nappies is that you can be sure that they will last for all your children and probably beyond. Choosing a one size fits most cloth nappy, also known as OSFM seems like a great idea. If you only need to buy the one size then it will cost you less, right? Well, possibly not. You see the problem is that your OSFM nappies are going to be on your little persons bottom for a lot longer, they probably won’t grow out of them while your little one is in nappies, so by the time you get to baby two or three they can get really worn and have saggy elastics. Buying sized nappies might seem like a bigger out la...