You know you're pregnant when.....

I thought that a “you know you’re pregnant when….” post might be a bit of fun, after our “You know you have a newborn when” post the other day (although perhaps I should have done this one first).  My amazing facebook followers on the Nappyneedz page have stepped forward again with some great bump pictures for this one.

You know you're pregnant when

You know you’re pregnant when……

  • You take fifty pregnancy tests, just to make really really sure.
  • You find yourself making lists of names.

Shadow baby bump

  • You wake up in the morning feeling like you have a hangover, even though you can’t drink.
  • It might only be a grey blob on a black background, but you can’t stop looking at your scan picture and are already completely in love.
  • You have really really strange dreams.

Pregnancy bump

  • You day dream about what your baby will look like.
  • Suddenly, wherever you go there are babies and other pregnant people, it feels like everyone is having babies.
  • You can’t go more than half an hour without a visit to the loo.

You know you're pregnant when you've got a bump

  • Your favourite item of clothing is a pair of comfy, stretchy pants.
  • You talk to your bump when no one else is around.
  • You can’t remember what your feet look like.

Looking like a beached whale

  • You go swimming and feel (and look) like a beached whale……………………. until you get into the water.
  • Random people start stroking your belly.

Taking selfies of your bump

  • You worry that people will think that you’ve just put on a load of weight, rather than being pregnant.
  • Your feet have grown a whole shoe size.

The joys of being pregnant

  • You worry that you haven’t felt any movement for a while…………
  • …………..And then get uncomfortable because you’ve been kicked so much.

The joys of pregnancy

  • You sometimes forget that you have grown a bit, and get wedged in tight spots.
  • You’ve suddenly got enormous boobs.
  • Sometimes you put something cold on your bump, just to get a reaction.

Pregnancy bump

  • You find yourselves craving weird things.
  • If you drop something, it stays dropped.
  • Bending down means you might not manage to get up again.

Babies nearly here

  • There are times that little feet and hands push so hard against you, you’re almost sure they’re going to burst out alien style.
  • Non of your normal clothes fit any more.

You know you're pregnant when non of your normal clothes fit

  • Everyone wants to tell you how wonderful, or frightening their own labour and birth was.
  • You’re convinced that your birth will be easy, natural and pain free……..
  • …….But you’re not quite sure how you’re manage to squeeze a baby out of there.

Soon to give birth

  • You get told that you look huge for your dates…..
  • …..then five minutes later someone tells you that you look really small for how far along you are.

Late pregnancy bump

  • You wake up quite a few times each night to go to the loo, because you can’t get comfy, for no apparent reason.
  • You can’t wait to meet your little one.

Bump from another angle

Are you expecting at the moment? Which of these do you recognise? What would you list in a ‘you know you’re pregnant when’ list?

And if you enjoyed this, please read the rest of our blog and consider voting for us for best parenting blog in the baby view home business awards.


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