What's in my change bag?

Today’s blog challenge post is supposed to be about what’s in my handbag, but seeing as I don’t actually have a handbag, and seeing as this is a cloth nappy blog, talking about my change bag, and what’s in it seems a little more appropriate.

My change bag

These days, with only one baby in nappies, and as she’s past the newborn stage, I don’t really need as much in my change bag as I once did.  It usually consists of two or three clean nappies (depending on how long we are going out for) some washable wipes, a wet bag (or carrier bag if I can’t find my wetbags or they’re all in the wash), some nappy liners, a long sleeved bib and some eternal essence bum balm.   Really, that’s all you need in a change bag at this stage, although having some spare clothes can be handy too.

A clean cloth nappy, a change bag essential

Change bag essentials

When it comes to packing your change bag, you need to make sure that you have all of the essentials, without being too weighed down with things.  I usually keep slightly more than I think that I’ll need, just in case.  The main things that you will need are:

  • Clean nappies
  • Something to put dirty nappies and wipes in
  • Wipes or cloths of some description

Also handy are:

  • Disposable liners, so that you can flush any solids easily and then throw the liners away, rather than carrying them home
  • A rash cream or powder (just remember to use a liner if you are using one of these)
  • A hand sanitiser, in case you change in the car or outside where you can’t wash your hands
  • Tissues for snotty noses
  • A change of clothes
  • A toy or book to keep wiggly babies occupied
  • A snack
  • A bib or set of bibs for snacks and meals out
  • A flat nappy to use as a burp cloth

The ideal change bag

When I had my oldest son, I struggled to find a proper change bag that I liked.  Most were designed for disposable nappy use, and seemed to have more pockets for bottles and formula, which being a breastfeeding mother, I didn’t need.  They also all seemed to come with a hefty price tag.  Instead I got a small backpack, which was much cheaper than a proper change bag and fitted everything in that I needed.  These days, now my little lady is a bit older and needs less, I have a small child’s backpack, and I don’t even need to carry it as she knows it’s her bag and likes to do the job herself.

Carrying her own change bag

What’s in your change bag


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