Weird quirks

If we’re honest about it, we all have one or two weird quirks, or maybe even more than that.  So for today’s blog challenge post, the last blog challenge post in fact (sob) I thought I’d share a couple of my weird quirks.

The car radio

When I’m listening to the radio or a cd in the car, then I prefer the volume to be on an even number.  If someone next to me adjusts the volume and it ends on an odd number, then I have to alter it up or down by one so that it’s back on an even number. Even more importantly it must never EVER be on 13. I’m not sure where this odd quirk comes from, but I’ve always felt like this as long as I’ve been driving.

The clothes pegs

I mentioned this briefly in a previous post but I do have a ‘rules’ when it comes to hanging out the washing.  Some of these could certainly be counted as weird quirks.  The yellow peg thing is certainly a weird quirk.  On my rotary clothes line, each row of washing has to start and end with a yellow peg.  I have no idea why, it just does, those are the rules.  I suppose that you think I’m a total fruit loop now…..

The yellow peg rule, one of my weird quirks

What are your weird quirks, I’d love to hear about them in the comments?


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