Timeline of my day

We’re nearly half way through our 31 day blog challenge, and today’s post is a time line of my day.  I thought I’d leave it until the end of the day, and give you a time line of my day today, rather than a ‘typical’ day, whatever that is.

Timeline of my day

Somewhere before 6 am; get woken up by little miss.

7 am; woke up properly, about an hour after little miss woke up and wanted a feed.  Convince her to go and see what the others are doing while I grab five more minutes in bed.

8 am; Discover a parcel on the doorstep, full of yummy minky for my fabric site minkylicious. Try to find out what the kids want for breakfast.

9-10 am; Getting the kids dressed, playing with them, trying to restore the kitchen to something vaguely resembling a kitchen rather than a bomb site.

10.30 pm; Finish dying some yarn I started yesterday, and hang it out to dry.

Timeline of my day; dying yarn

11 am; Take the kids to the library for some new books.

12 pm; Lunch time

1 pm; Nap time for the younger two, sewing machine out for me.

1 – 3 pm; Sewing a nappy for the NZ discussion show case next weekend.


4 pm ;  Start cooking tea, and load some new products onto Ecobots website.

5 pm ; Bring in the yarn that was drying before it starts to rain/gets blown away.

6 pm ; Eat tea.

7 pm ; Throw kids into shower and then read stories before bed.

8 pm;  Collapse on sofa

8.05 pm ; Try to put Anja back to bed

8.30 pm; Finally succeed in getting Anja to bed

9 pm ; Feet up and cup of tea in front of the tv before bed….

So there you go, a time line of my day, it’s not that different to most days really, although being the weekend there was no school, day care, playcentre or the like.


It’s very different to the time line of my day before I had children, back then the weekend would have involved relaxing, doing things that I wanted to do, probably a nice long lie in.  I would probably have been out in the evening too.  The time line of my day these days is probably slightly longer, and certainly starts much much earlier.

What is the timeline of your day?


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