The last time I cried

I don’t cry very often, so remember the last time I cried isn’t always that easy. This blog challenge post has obviously come at the right time though, as it was only the other day, so I can remember clearly.

Things that make me cry

As a rule, I don’t tend to cry at sad films or the like.  When I was younger it was very rare that I would cry at something like that, although since having children I do cry more readily at things that involve children. It’s something that friends have commented on to, once you have children, things like that seem to affect you more.  It wasn’t over something like this though the last time I cried, although before that I suppose that it might have been.

The last time I cried

For Christmas I got a book called tragedy at Pike River mine, I don’t normally like books like that and if I’m totally honest it wouldn’t have been my choice.  I felt I had to give it a go though, seeing as it was a Christmas present. Had it been a history book, I probably wouldn’t have been so affected, but reading about what had actually happened, after watching it unfold on the tv news a couple of years back was a bit too much.  Reading that book was the last time I cried.

Do you cry often? When did you last cry? As I said, it wouldn’t normally be so easy to remember the last time I cried.


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