Piercings and Tattoos

I fear that today’s blog challenge entry may be a little on the short side, I don’t really have any piercings or tattoos to speak of.

No tattoos

I don’t have any tattoos, I did think about it for a while, but decided that I was far too fickle and would probably get sick of any design I had in a year or so, not so good when it’s a permanent mark.  Fora while there, friends and I while at university used to use henna for temporary tattoos,and that was always quite fun, but I can’t see me going the whole hog and getting a real one.


It’s interesting how piercings and tattoos are often lumped in together, when so many people do have at least one kind of piercing, their ears.  I’m not sure that really counts in the category of piercings and tattoos though.  I have my ears pierced twice, but I very rarely, if ever wear earrings now.  Since I have small hands around to grab at my poor ears, I thought it probably wasn’t a good idea.  I’m not sure if I could even get them in.  I can’t remember how old I was the second time I had my ears done, but first time round I was about 14.  I remember Mum and Dad saying I had to be 16, but after begging for ages, they gave in and let me have them sooner.

Piercings for children

Of course when it comes to talking about piercings and tattoos, or at least piercings, there’s always the question of when children are old enough to have their ears pierced.  I’m not keen personally with little children with pierced ears.  I am sure though, that I’ll be begged in the coming years to allow my little girls to pierce their ears.  I suppose that I can hardly say no, when I have mine done, but I don’t really like the idea.  My nearly four year old, already likes to have clip on earrings, so I’m guessing it’s not that far away.  As for the thought of them having other piercings or tattoos when they grow up; I’d be lying if I said that I was keen, but I guess it will be their choice by then.

no plans for piercing and tattoos yet

What piercings and tattoos, if any, do you have?


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