My proudest moment

Today’s blog challenge post is difficult for very different reasons than those in the last few days.  Not because I have nothing to write about, but narrowing it down to my proudest moment, that’s a little more difficult.  There are all kinds of things that I’ve done that I’m proud of, but more than any of the others, are those involving my children.  They do a million different things that make me feel proud.  If it’s MY proudest moment though…..

Child birth

I’m not totally convinced that pride is the first thought that comes to mind when it comes to giving birth, but if we’re discussing my proudest moment, then this has really got to be it, or rather them.  With my oldest boy, although it didn’t quite go as planned, it was still such a wonderful experience, to bring into the world this amazing little life that I had grown.  Such a proud moment.  Then with my next boy, I was even more proud as I’d also manage to achieve a vbac.  My girls were born with next to no pain relief, which I’ve also always been a bit proud of too.  So yes, my proudest moment? There have been four of them.

My proudest moment, or one of them

Other proud moments

I was proud when I got my degree, and when I finally passed my driving test, and little things like that.  In terms of personal achievement though, successfully breastfeeding, my second boy until he was 2 1/2 when I’d had huge problems in that area with my oldest son, was a huge achievements and when I’m thinking about my proudest moment I’d certainly mention that too.

My proudest moment?

So there you have it, my proudest moment to date, but I suspect that as these amazing children of mine get older, and do so much I’ll have many moments that I will think of as my proudest moment.



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