My bucket list

Do you have a bucket list? Are there things that are at the top of your ‘to do’ list? Today’s blog challenge post is about the things that are at the top of my bucket list.  I don’t really have a list of must have-dos in my life, but there are a couple of things that if I did have a bucket list, would be at the top.

The book

As long as I can remember I have written; creative pieces, short stories, articles like those in this blog.  I was always planning on being a ‘writer’ (whatever that was exactly) when I grew up, and it’s still something that I aspire towards.  The bucket list part of this, is that one day I really will get around to writing my book, my novel.  Or maybe more than one, but I suppose I have to start somewhere. My main stumbling block at the moment is time, but I shall have to make time for it at some point, as it really is a must do, even if I’m the only one who ever reads it.

Seeing more of the world

I grew up in one continent, I live now in another, but in the scheme of things I’ve seen very little of this world of ours.  Visiting more countries has to be high on my bucket list.  There aren’t really specific places as such that I really want to go to, although recently I’ve wanted to see China, I would like to visit Russia again and see more of the pacific islands.

It doesn’t really matter where I don’t suppose, I would just like to see more of the world, so travel would be the other thing at the top of my  bucket list.

What would be at the top of your bucket list?



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