If I won the lottery......

If I won the lottery it would be a flipping miracle to be honest, seeing as the last time I brought a ticket was nearly twenty years ago. Still, even so, I think we all sometimes have a little day dream about what we would do, how we would spend it all, so if I won the lottery…

A trip home

With four children, affording a trip back to the UK isn’t always that easy.  Apart from the fact that it’s a loooooong flight, even for us adults, affording to send six of us on the plane is a little pricey. So, if I won the lottery, one of the first things I’d do is book us a trip home.  Maybe with a stop off on route at some pacific island for a bit of relaxation and sunshine….

For the children

Next on the list, if I won the lottery would be putting a nice lump sum to one side for the children.  Something for them when they’re a bit older so that they can afford to go to University if they want, but a down payment on a house, or maybe even just enjoy themselves with a round the world trip.  All a long way off yet, but it would be nice to have it in the bank ready for that day.

If i won the lottery I'd save for the kids future.


If I won the lottery…..

I think next on the list would be finishing all of those little jobs around the house we’ve been putting off, and then a few treats for us all.  I’m not sure what they would be, but I’m sure I’d find something without too much trouble…..

So that’s what I’d do if I won the lottery, but maybe I’d better buy a ticket first.


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