Guilty pleasures

Writing about guilty pleasures doesn’t really sound like the kind of thing that you’d expect on a nappy blog, but seeing as that’s  the title of today’s challenge, that’s what we’re going to get….

Guilty pleasures for parents

Before I had children, my idea of a guilty pleasure was something a bit rubbish that I enjoyed, that other people might not really like, you know the kind of thing, a terrible pop song that you can’t help singing at the top of your voice, a dodgy sit-com that makes you laugh when really it shouldn’t, you get the idea.  But, once you become a parent, the idea of a guilty pleasure takes on a whole new meaning.  Suddenly you find that there are a whole range of things that you enjoy doing, but that you have to do while the kids aren’t around, to be able to enjoy.

Eating chocolate in the other room

I’m sure parents everywhere can relate to this guilty pleasure; you’ve got some chocolate (or other food related treat) if you eat it in front of the kids they will want some/all of it, you try to convince yourself that actually it’s for their benefit that you don’t eat in front of them…. You end up scoffing the lot in the kitchen/bedroom/bathroom/wherever they are not, so they don’t see.  Or is that just me?

Shopping spree

When it comes to cloth nappies you wouldn’t think that there were any guilty pleasures to be had, unless you’re a bit of a cloth nappy addict that is.  I wonder how many of you can relate to this?  You see a new pretty nappy that you must have, so you buy it, and then hope that your partner isn’t in when it arrives, and that they don’t notice the sale on the credit card bill.

Guilty pleasures; buying cloth nappies

What are your guilty pleasures?  I’d love to hear about them.


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