Dream Job

What is your dream job? Do you have one? Has it changed over time?

What I wanted to be as a child

When I was little I wanted to be a history teacher, I’m not really sure why that was my dream job at that age. I love history, but I have to admit that I really don’t fancy trying to teach it to a load of teenagers right now. As I got older I wanted to write, I thought about being a journalist, but really I’ve always wanted to be a novelist, and I still would like to pursue that dream ‘job’ at some point.

Dream Job

Other than wanting to write, I have actually had two jobs that I would count as my dream job.  Unfortunately, I don’t do them any more.  I used to work as a tour guide at a brewery, the Marston’s brewery in actual fact.  It was such a great job, only a couple of nights a week, but so much fun.  I worked there from about a year before I had Kai and then another couple of year after he was born.

After I had Kai I worked for one season at what I still think is my dream job.  I worked at Shugborough Hall in Staffordshire.  I think I mentioned earlier that I’ve always been a history fan, and of course it’s what I read at university, but this is the only job that I’ve had that really came anywhere near close to being related to it.  I got to dress up in period costume, and play the part of a kitchen, laundry or dairy maid, and then talk to visitors in character.  We also took parties of school children around and as well as the other roles I got to be a Victorian school teacher.  I loved every second of it, it was fantastic and my dream job.

What I do now

Of course in some ways, what I do now is a bit of a dream job.  I work for myself, doing something that I’m passionate about; cloth nappies and helping parents use them.  More importantly I get to work from home, which means that I get to spend lots of time with my children too.  Looking after them isn’t really a job of course, but in some ways, it’s my dream job too.

Working with cloth nappies and my children, my dream job


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