Bad habits

Bad habits? We’ve all got them, as much as we might like to pretend that we don’t.  What are yours? I don’t pick my nose, or chew my nails, but like everyone, I too have bad habits….

Bad Habits

Bad habits are one of those things where quite often someone else’s bad habit can annoy us more than our own. usually, because we don’t notice our own bad habits, but someone else’s can really stand out.  As a parent, I try to stop my children’s bad habits (stop picking your nose, ewww) but it doesn’t always work. No doubt my parents did the same with me.

My bad habits

So what are my bad habits then? I suspect that my husband would be able to tell you some that I haven’t even noticed, but I do know that I have one habit that could be classed as a bad one.  When I’m cooking or serving food, I pick at it. I know that chefs taste their food as they go, but it’s usually a quick spoonful to check for taste, but I go further than that.  I can’t make a cheese sandwich without eating a slice of cheese, I have to eat a bit of meat when cooking a roast, I even have to have a bit of carrot when preparing veg. I try to stop myself, but I really can’t help it, I have to pick.

What are your bad habits?


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