An old photo of me

An old photo of me is the title of today’s blog challenge blog.  I have to admit that I don’t have that many really old photos of me around, most of those date from the pre-digital era, and any that I have got are one’s that other people have scanned in.  I’ve had a hunt and found a couple, so here we go with an old photo of me…..

An old baby photo of me

An old photo of me


This really is an old photo of me, one of the oldest ones there are actually, as I’m only about seven weeks old.  I’m not going to share just how old it is, a lady doesn’t give the game away when it comes to age.  I can see my children when they were babies in me here, my girls especially

An old school photo of me

An old school photo of me

Whizzing forward a bit for this next one, to an old school photo of me, some point in the 90’s. I think that this must have been after a school trip or something, but if I’m honest I can’t really remember.

A wedding pic


My wedding photoThis photo is a lot more recent that the other photos, but it still is an old photo of me.  Taken nearly nine years ago now, (where has the time gone).  I love my dress, my Mum made it for me, and we designed it ourselves.  She hand embroidered the roses and ferns all over the bodice.

When did you last look at old photos? I think that I really should take the time to go through all my old photos and scan in some more of them.  Of course, I also keep saying that I must print out all the recent photos that I’ve taken, but that never seems to actually happen….



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