A Pet Peeve or two

Today’s blog challenge post is about a pet peeve, it took me a while to remember what mine are (I’m obviously such a laid back, relaxed kind of person) and I had to ask my lovely facebook likers for a bit of imput.  It was quite interesting hearing what their pet peeves were. Any way, when I thought about it for a bit, they soon started to come…..

Coffee in the sugar bowl

I’m a tea drinker, and I like a spoonfull of sugar in my tea, what I don’t like are little bits of coffee in with my tea.  One of my major pet peeves would have to be when someone puts a teaspoon into the coffee and then into the sugar and leaves bits of coffee in the sugar bowl.  It’s not hard, if you’re going to have sugar in your coffee, do the sugar first, then there’s no contamination.

On top of the laundry basket

This pet peeve also applys to the nappy bucket, if you’ve got some dirty clothes, or a dirty nappy, don’t put it on top of the basket (bucket) lift the lid and put it inside. It takes a second longer, and means that you don’t end up with an empty basket with a pile of clothes on top.


I realise that this pet peeve might have more to do with me being odd, than a justified pet peeve. But, when it comes to hanging the washing out, I’m very particular about how it’s done. Yes, I appreciate that you’ve helped me, but please don’t leave the clothes pegs on the line, when you bring the washing in, don’t leave big gaps on the washing line, and ideally, use the right coloured pegs for the right washing.

What is the best way to hang modern cloth nappies on the washing line?

Do you have a pet peeve?


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