3 Personality traits that I'm proud of

I have to admit, I’ve not been that keen about writing today’s blog challenge entry; 3 personality traits that I’m proud of.  It’s quite hard thinking of personality traits that you have, and then to select the ones that you are proud of, is even harder.  It’s almost like being in front of an interview panel, answering the horrible what are your strengths and weaknesses question.


I’ve always been one for making things, should it be actual physical things, such as my one of a kind cloth nappies, or my knitting and crochet or more abstract ideas and stories.  There’s no doubt about it, I am a creative type, and while, like lots of creative people I might be a bit of a dreamer, I do love coming up with new ideas and creations.  I have to admit that I’m quite proud of some of the results, and I’d certainly list creativity as one of the personality traits that I’m proud of.

Personality traits that I'm proud of; creativity



Some people might call it simply being stubborn, which yes, I also am.  But it also means that I can be very very determined, and that would have to be one of the  personality traits that I’m proud of.  I like the fact that I keep trying at something and don’t give up at the first hurdle. I’d like to think that I’m not blindly driven, and also know when enough is enough, but you can be sure that I’ll I’ve given it every chance I can before I even consider giving up on something.

Cool under pressure

There are good sides and bad sides to this, but I’d certainly say that when it comes to personality traits that I’m proud of, being cool under pressure would have to be up there.  It’s been handy in the past when I’ve had to deal with things that haven’t been that easy, and I may well have fallen apart afterwards, but at the time, I was fine.  It also meant that when I was at School and University, I was very good at turning out good essays the night before they were due in, which perhaps wasn’t such a great idea.

So, what would your answer be if asked to list 3 personality traits that YOU are proud of?


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