Essential items for your hospital bag

Knowing what to pack when you’re due to have a baby can be a bit of a challenge, we asked some of our friends to tell us their top three essential items for your hospital bag.  Have a read through, and feel free to add your comments if you think we’ve missed anything.

Top tips for your hospital bag

Jackie Procter from baby life magazine and 2cute told us;  Dried fruit, nuts and chocolate mix to snack on after baby is born (as you get soooo hungry), breast pads (as you get soooo leaky) and tissues (as you get soooo weepy!)  Jackie Procter –

Sian from cobalt heights suggested; Phone charger, Food list (to distribute to distribute to visitors – Dont forget to include sushi and fresh cream donuts!) and some new toiletries for afterwards.

Rachael from pressie box would include; A cotton or merino wrap – available over at: Lots of underwear. A woollen or merino beanie for baby to wear straight after birth.

Louise from Scamps Boutique would include; Breast Pads, Shampoo and Clean Knickers.

Stacey from Art out loud would pack; Soft pyjamas with easy access for feeding, a gorgeous new little onesie and any snacks you might need to keep your energy up during labour.  Website: Facebook  Blog

Sarah from Thingamajigs top tips would be to pack; Your own pillow, in a colourful pillowcase (so you don’t lose track of it). I found it extremely comforting to be able to sink my head into my own comfy pillow during labour and be able to ‘smell home’. I ended up having an emergency c-section, I even had my head on that pillow in the operating theatre.

Kelly from Ecobots thinks that you will be likely to need; plenty of snacks, giving birth is hungry work, and I was always ravenous afterwards.  A couple of clean nighties or pj’s with easy access for feeding, it’s nice to have a couple in case you stay in a few nights and want to change into something clean. A camera, you’ll never get the chance for those brand new, newborn pictures again.

Getting ready to give birth



Getting ready for birth


In the last few months of pregnancy, there are many things to get ready but sorting out the essential items for your hospital bag is really important.  Try to start writing a list of all the things that you might need, and add to it when ever you think of something.  After a week or so, you can start to pack all that you need. I have always kept a list with the things that I can’t add until the last minute on top of the bag, so that I can grab them last minute.

Things for your baby

As well as packing things for you to use while in labour, some of the most essential items for your hospital bag are items for your baby.  Remember that you’re going to need nappies and an outfit to bring them home in.  I have always knit my babies a special cardigan as their coming home outfit, it’s nice to have something special and new for that first journey.  To actually bring your baby home, you’ll need a baby capsule or car seat, and you will need to organise this in advance.

Essential items for your hospital bag; a going home outfit for your baby.


With each of my four babies, I’ve ended up taking less in my hospital bag each time, it’s easy to over pack, so a little thought before hand means you’ll get just what you need.  What are your essential items for your hospital bag? We’d love to hear what you would pack.


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