Newborn cloth nappies

Wondering what the best option is when it comes to Newborn cloth nappies?  What options should you consider when looking to use cloth nappies on a Newborn baby?

What cloth nappies are best for a newborn?

When looking for newborn cloth nappies, there are a number of things that you may want to consider.  First of all, try to find a cloth nappy that will protect against newborn blow outs.  Newborn poo, particularly if the baby is breastfed, can be very wet, and due to immature bowels will often be produced in an explosive way.  Having a firm fitting elasticated layer around the back and legs, helps contain this, and is less likely to lead to poo leaking up the back, down the legs, or even filling the socks.

cover pic


A cover with ‘double gussets’ at the leg, helps to keep everything even better, making sure that the thin legs that newborns have before putting on a little weight after birth, don’t allow gaps.

Quick drying

Newborns tend to need changing often, sometimes you will find that you change them, only to need to do it again seconds later.  A flat cotton nappy such as a prefold is ideal at this stage, as it will dry quickly, meaning a quick turn around time. You also only need to change the nappy, not the cover, if it is not soiled, which when changing often is a bonus.

Why use cloth nappies


How many newborn cloth nappies will I need

For the newborn stage you will probably need around 20-24 nappies and around four to five covers.  This is more nappies then you will need in the bigger stages, simply because on a newborn you will be changing far more often.  If you are using nappies during the day only, then 12 nappies will probably be enough.  Our basics pack contains all you will need for this.

Why use cloth nappies for a newborn?

Some people are put off using cloth nappies on a newborn, as they thing that the extra washing might be too much to cope with when you have a new baby.  Although it is a little extra work, it doesn’t take much to get into a routine, and babies produce extra washing in any case, so you may not notice that it is much more work.  As you are changing often, cloth nappies mean that you will save a great deal of money compared to disposable nappies.  Cotton nappies such as ecobots are a healthier alternative next to newborn skin.  Disposables contain many chemicals which can cause reactions and allergies, while as cotton, a natural fabric, is far less likely to cause issues.


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